Brazilian-British television TS personality Jessica Alves and Iranian model Fariba Rahimi are seen at Sexy Fish in London, 03/29/2024.

Brazilian-British television TS personality Jessica Alves and Iranian model Fariba Rahimi are seen at Sexy Fish in London, 03/29/2024.
Ohh, yes!
Jessica is my dream woman, I’d love to rim her tight asshole and let her peg my ass bloody!
… but mine carries on as I continue catering to needs of the boys in prison, the bar, the homeless and at the docks.
You fuckfaced fags can and will just fuck each other to death. There we are, problem solved…
Let them have their fun Spankie, we’ve had ours. Remember the 15inch meat on that coon in Victoria?
I see again someone has to imitate me although I haven’t said anything only Doctor Dick rider the f.a,g,g.ot has tried and failed to immitate me. I have stayed quiet as I watched his spiral into being a bitch to Alves and Brand, fuck you dockie, go back to the gay bar where you suck dick.
Only Dockie could conduct such an attack, I think he is upset about puff Daddy.
Dockie is the biggest f,ag,go,t to walk this earth.
The only thing that is clear is that you are all a massive bunch of fa’ggots. I have no doubt all of you fa’ggots love sucking the cream pies out of Jessica Alves arse.
Dockie, all that is clear is that you will undoubtedly dress in your best Kim K frock, present yourself to these two freaks and then let nature take its course where you will all just as capably fuck each other to death. And yes, we will have fun shoving you all into the same coffin so that you will all arse fuck each other to death…
Fuck you Dockie, you started it, deny it, deny you’re impersonating me. You are the one who Diddy will declare as his number 1 bitch f,a,gg,ot.
Whenever you 2(or 4) are ready, give me a holler yea?
The fa’ggots are angry. No doubt they did not get their full ration of anal cream pie from the’delightful’ Jessica. No worries, just suck the cock girls.
What the hell IS THAT?!? Send it back to hell!!!
Must have been an accident in the big top. They sent in the clowns.
And it looks like they both got reamed by the elephants. Sadly, it didn’t improve their situation…
Jessica Alves and Diddy are my dream team, both have enormous cocks and love to pound F.a.g.g.o.ts, I can hardly walk, but Kim Kardasian is the goddess of all trannies. Any of you F.a.g.g.o.ts looking for a beta boi, hit me up, I will suck your dick all night long. Is my avatar lindsay lohan avatar working.
I find nothing sexy about any one of those poor self-abused, deranged women.
Western society is doomed.
I don’t like,e it when people post pictures of my mom Jessica Alves on here, I like to keep her enormous cock just for me, we have such good time in the basement as I wear her dirty panties, she does love to pound me hard. That other bitch hasn’t even got a dick, I told Diddy and he was disgusted, it’s one big happy family, daddy Diddy and mom jessica. All fa,g,lgots are welcome over to our double wide any time, and don’t forget the soy milk lattes.
Kill It With Fire – it’s the only way to be sure
I have nothing against trans people, but Jessica Alves is just plain horrific-looking. Please, for the love of God, no more pictures.
Quick get the flamethrower ….
Dafuq is that silicone wildebeest? I’d like to run her through the transporter with a biofilter to screen out the plastic, see what’s left.