Jessica Alba is Seen Relaxing in Cabo (45 Photos)

Actress Jessica Alba and husband Cash Warren enjoy New Year’s day on the beach and in the pool while on vacation in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, 01/01/2015.

The family had a relaxing New Year’s Eve and decided to spend as much time today in the warm sun.


43 thoughts on “Jessica Alba is Seen Relaxing in Cabo (45 Photos)

  1. Georgia97

    I got a tattoo just before my stint in the military that reads “I will suck your dick, sir.”. Money well spent.

    1. wawa

      get your eyes checked. Not a single dude with eyes and an IQ above 20 will see Jessica Alba’s ass and go “built like a 2×4”

      1. Gotcha

        You’re right. No guy with eyes would think 2×4, they would think she has noassatall.
        She has no ass, no hips, barely a waist, just a somewhat cute face.

        1. harriscandoit

          Her ass used to be spectacular, however since she no longer has an acting career and hardly ever sees a camera now in days its pretty obvious she does not maintain the same figure, she is still very attritive though.

          1. wawa

            She works out and diets hard. That body came from 3 kids. She bounced back from the first one 100%. But then each kid after chipped away. She had a much nicer hip/waist ratio before kid 2 and 3. The pregnancies just fucked her shape.

            Still has an amazing ass though.

          2. Dark D

            Hahahaha warworm you insignificant shit. She’s married to a mixed race dude. Let me guess, now she’s scum of the earth? You fucking loser. If she caught sight of you IRL she would throw up instantaneously. As would most people… guess that’s why you’re a basement dwelling virgin. All adds up.

  2. Severin

    The gloriously glacial pace of her aging is unreal. Look at her in the series premiere of “Flipper” and look at her now. That was fucking TWENTY-FIVE years ago. Her husband is absurdly lucky.

  3. Name

    Wow, that’s it? That’s all Jessica Alba has? Overrated as fuck. Maybe when she gains 20 pounds she’ll finally look like something. I always wondered what the big hoopla about her was. She has literally no ass or curves. 2/10 for near-anorexia and average face

    1. wawa

      She’s had 3 kids. 5-10 years ago she would top every hot 100 list there was. She got most of her hype during dark angel. Her body was amazing pre-kids. 3 kids and still looks like that with that nice of an ass.

  4. The Voice Of Reason

    Judging by that crappy new show of hers, she’s going to have a lot of time to “relax” real soon.

      1. Barnes

        u can watch if u want when i fuck the shit out of her. i guess this latina whore begs to clean my dick with her fucking mouth. she is used to it from the dozen of castings she had

    1. Dark D

      You don’t matter. You’ll say anything to prove that you hold more value than somebody else, but you don’t. Step away from the keyboard and you’re still the same sack of pathetic you were when the day started. Have fun with that.

  5. darkangel

    Still a nice bod, but boy oh boy her ass 20 years ago in “Idle Hands” and the following years… It was simply amazing!


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