10 thoughts on “Jenny McCarthy Sexy (49 Photos)

    1. Sheldon

      The dumber and crazier, the hotter the sex, so she must be the hottest of sex partners. Now someone kidnap her kid and get him vaccinated before he gets polio and mumps.

  1. Dr Drillz

    Wouldn’t touch her with a 10 mile pole. Her stupidity is causing real problems and she should be held accountable.

  2. Kevin

    I love how she once bragged to everyone that she had her implants removed.

    What she failed to mention was that she had them replaced with new ones.

  3. dodgydave

    I didn’t mind her fake tits, but the work she’s had done on her face just makes her look odd.

    I’d still fuck some sense into her given the chance though.

  4. Bill

    See, don’t get vaccinated, just get yourself injected with polysiloxanes and neurotoxic proteins so you too can be healthy and happy… like Jenny!

    1. Rob

      “See, donโ€™t get vaccinated”

      Good for her! And neither do I, you paranoid d*ck. Vaccines are toxic and deadly as we see from all the people mysteriously dying that did get vaxxed!


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