14 thoughts on “Jennifer Lopez Shows Off Her Sexy Bikini Body (7 Photos + Video)

  1. Severin

    Her very existence gives a vital message to women: AGING IS NO REASON TO LOOK LIKE SHIT! All women should heed her. Men also ought to receive and internalize that message, although obviously not from a woman but from a man like Mark Sisson. Letting oneself go is pathetic. Due to excessive familiarity I may not be hot and heavy for my wife like I once was (although I do love her in my own way), but I am glad to have a partner who’s on the same page with me on the critical question of maintaining an attractive, healthy physical appearance. We expect each other to look good, and we passed those values down to our children. Contrary to popular opinion, those values are substantial, NOT superficial.


      1. JG

        Guy’s an incel. He ain’t got no wife and kids. Just read the way he posts. No real man and I mean non virgin man would make silly posts about sniffing and tasting a woman’s fecal matters. Only weirdos and desperate horny virgins glorify that stuff.

  2. Disgruntled werewolf

    She looks fantastic in the shots where her humongous hips and thighs are hidden by her robe.

  3. Pencil mustash

    Our literal sexiest 50-something. I need more butt pictures & wouldn’t mind a few bare naked cunt pictures to leak & boost her sexy cred!


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