15 thoughts on “Jennifer Lawrence Wears Summer Well in NYC (13 Photos)

  1. peter dobson

    And some women had babyfat since puberty it’s no biggie. Hell, even my wife has some and she’s sexy and smoking hot like Salma Hayek and you know how she looks (comment with the approval of my wife sitting next to me lol)

        1. peter dobson

          The comments of “doctor dickie and a cravat” are so funny. Where does he find these quotes??? Is there book (oh sorry he can’t read can he????) because he’s not smart enough to come up with this shit.

          1. Spankmaster

            It’s ok Peter. Doc is just jealous the the both of us each have actual worthwhile lives with our loved ones, you with your hot wife and me with all my actual ladies.

            Doc, however, to give his life meaning needs to fuck a polar bear with rabies.

            Oh wait, he’s already done that, which explains so much…

    1. Doctor Dick

      Greeting Mrs Spankmaster. For you enjoyment you may wish to know Spankmaster’s hobbies include large dogs, barnyard animals and cucumbers! I look forward to my wedding invite:-)

      1. Spankmaster

        Stop confusing my life with yours. As for the wedding invite, just go drown yourself in that mountain of shit, as at least you will be among all your loved ones…

  2. Chester

    C’mon. Website is supposed to be about “hot” women not famous women. Get on with it. Her best days are WAY behind her. Who gives a shit if she’s out for a walk?


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