23 thoughts on “Jennifer Lawrence Sexy (11 Photos)

    1. Pooches

      There are no “real” photos nowadays in the way you probably mean it. All modern instagram whores look the same because the airbrush filter is the same

    1. tito

      her career stalled when she got caught with the fappening and revealed she was shaven like every whore lolita promiscuous non educated woman. also she went out with this butt ugly director strictly to get great roles which backfired. finally she is a horrible person.

    2. Harvey Weinstein

      Sadly many careers where adversely affected from the false allegations against me. So many actresses’ dreams will never be fulfilled, because I am not there to help them reach their potential.

      Jennifer is a lovely girl, and a joy to handle.

      Quentin enjoyed her also.

      PS, vote Democrat!

        1. Harvey Weinstein

          Keep voting Democrat.

          I did.

          Look how it worked for me.

          Sam Bankman-Fried donated more than I did.

          Look how it worked out for him.

          And as for Epstein, well…

          Vote Democrat, Harvey says so.

  1. Hanzo the Razor

    That top pic: I’m Hanzo the Lesbian’s Friend, but no woman looks good with hair like that – like some ballbuster at your job


    She gave an interview last year saying that she doesn’t talk to her Republican family members because they don’t respect abortion and don’t think climate change is going to end the world in three years. She is literally the definition of the world AWFL (Affluent White Female Liberal). They are the worst species of human on earth. Insufferable terrible people responsible for 95% of the ills in the world today.

    1. Handy

      Uh, you must realize that the jew owned Hollywood and media forces them to act this way to stay relevant, right?

  3. Hanzo the Razor

    The self-proclaimed “First female Action Star evahhh!!!”.

    Delusional, moronic, self-absorbed cunt.

  4. Dryvr

    I adore her, always have. She actually looks sexiest to me in photos where she isn’t trying to be… truly a natural beauty.

    The thing that tripped me out most on this link was all the political attacks on her because she’s a lefty. Most folks are left, if that bothers you try expatriating to a nation where right leaning politics reign supreme. If we let you return from that place (so many to choose from), perhaps *then* you’ll be more appreciative of our great nation.

  5. Dryvr

    Ahh yes… antisemitism.

    That confuses me even more than attacks on the left. I know there’s a lot of demonstrated hatred for Jews and whatever is left of their culture (not much) out there, and I know a few Jews… and even some Mormons, but I have no clue what drives all the widespread hatred for them

    Care to let me in on it? From my perspective that shit went out with gaslight (as my ex used to say). Why sustain this oldest of raw examples of blind hatred? Show me on the doll where the bad Jew touched you and damaged your life.

    Really, truly… make it make sense.


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