21 thoughts on “Jennifer Lawrence & Cooke Maroney Head Out For a Date Night in NYC (28 Photos)

  1. The REAL Fame Whore

    Am I dumb enough to believe that the site admin reads my every single comment and constantly trolls me, but never deletes my comments or blocks my URL?


    Am I smart enough to know that if I create an imaginary yet invincible nemesis for myself, I can forever play the victim and ignore the fact that Iā€™m widely hated?

      1. Spankmaster

        As you are such a fraudulent fuckfaced fag, then I’ll be seeing you shortly with the industrial strength angle grinder to sort out your pathetic ways. Rest assured that once I’ve honed you into a more agreeable person, you will never be the same again…

        1. peter dobson

          And more importantly: you’re not wrong. He wrecked her when she was so hot as hell. May he burn in Hell.

          1. Spankmaster

            Donā€™t worry, Peter. Iā€™ll light the fire and make sure is a blazing successā€¦


    She looks like every other mom in my wealthy suburb. That’s not a bad thing, of course, but she’s not Hollywood actress material anymore.

    But she’s got a quirky personality right?

  3. Spankmaster

    Sadly, not looking her best here, but I’ll give her time to improve, as I’m pretty decent that way…

  4. The Wall

    I have one job, and I enjoy it.

    One day they are hot, the next not. Replaced by younger models. These 30 year olds don’t know what hit them.

    it was me, and I enjoyed it.

    1. Spankmaster

      Davy boy, does that mean you belong to the dull crowd too? Tsk, tsk, your comments could have been viewed as being so interesting. Now we must regard them with the same suspicious dullnessā€¦

  5. The real prick James III

    Unrecognizable, but I’m sure she’s happy to be a mom. Her career is probably done, but she’s made enough to be set for life.


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