15 thoughts on “Jen Selter’s Bare Butt (5 Pics + Gif)

  1. fradd

    Doesnt get more fake than this. Butt-cheek on extended leg can not be the same as the one on conctacted leg. Its 5 pounds of sanitar silicone there.

    1. Kat

      she has like 12 million followers on IG but you will never hear her name otherwise, its the new was things are you can be famous for nothing, its a ego thing i guess.

  2. Pusi lovea

    Theres gym and fitness, then theres this bitch, is getting ridiculous now these girls dont know when to stop like a lifter juicing. I bet she does nothing but squats and is constantly obsessed with getting bigger ass.

  3. John Doe

    lol that ass is completely fake. Sure, she works out – but the ass in these pics is absolutely aftermarket.


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