Korea model and actress Hoyeon Jung takes the spotlight as the cover star of Vogue Korea’s November 2021 issue. Since appearing on the hit Netflix show “Squid Game”, the Korean model has amassed over 21M Instagram followers due to her role as Kang Sae-byeok.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hoooooyeony/

No titz? No ass? Another post for wawa!
You called my name?
Classy. Elegant. Everything this site usually doesn’t bother with. A breath of fresh air compared to all the ghetto trash.
Too bad she’s not actually, you know, topless.
And pantyless…
Hi wawa!
nobody is interested in this gook bitch..
you are nobody
okay Stanislav Zhelyazkov.
She actually looked better in Squid Game. The haircut there framed her features better and made her look unique and gorgeous. She just kind of has a generic Korean model look here.
She’s gained tons of popularity. The fact she became so big in the states for her looks proves everyone actually enjoys skinny, in shape, know their place eastern women.
Here you have fat disgusting land whales and the low quality men that simp for them.