Mario Balotelli’s ex wag, glamour model and Wayne Rooney’s cousin Holly Henderson puts on very busty display as she steps out for brunch in Liverpool City Centre, 12/04/2020.
Mario Balotelli’s ex wag, glamour model and Wayne Rooney’s cousin Holly Henderson puts on very busty display as she steps out for brunch in Liverpool City Centre, 12/04/2020.
Chubby, fake tits, c-section scar and Shrek’s face. Kill.
And Mario Balotelli’s black cock.
I once had to have my stomach pumped. Yes, an ER nurse had to empty a hot bedpan full of runny black jitt.
^ thanks, Jerod ^
Who’s Jerod?
^ you, shit stain ^
You’re not a Phoebe Price. That’s for sure! My limp dick can guarantee that…
Its so facinating to me how fat all the UK women are that Crapper puts on here. Are there no sexy, skinny UK reality women? Are they all fat? Wtf! Give me my Merican’ women please!
A bunch of pampered whores, who sit around all day, and eat.
They’ll do anything these famewhores to get attention even becoming Mudsharks.
Tupperware called, they want their bowls back.
GerMan called: He wants his bowels back.
She used to be a well known brass in Manchester. I came down her throat after a decent BJ. Had a good bod 15 years ago…..