30 thoughts on “Tara Reid Hot (16 Photos)

  1. tito

    during her “American Pie” era she could have stopped traffic even cause the battle of troy! the greatest fall of in hollywood history. used to be 10/10.

  2. Carlos T. Jackal

    Too much sun, not enough exercise (no muscle tone).

    She was never as hot as the other girls in the “American Pie” series, and now she’s really gone downhill fast.

  3. AJ

    Definitely a woman to have on your mind if you wish to delay your orgasm or if you wish to quickly lose your boner.

  4. matu

    back in the days she was super hot but now she looks a bit like a trailerpark crackwhore. so much wasted potential.

  5. Goddamn!

    If by “Hot” you mean “hit the wall” then yep!

    I’ve seen women in their 60s and 70s that looks hotter than her atm.

  6. Chester

    What the actual fuck is wrong with you crapper.
    Fuck my eyes don’t work now because i saw fucking medusa.

  7. Brian Spenser

    I came here because the Fap title read “Tara Reid Sexy” but all I see is an elderly lady that escaped from the nursing home walking on the beach.

    I guess is sun dried wrinkly skin is your thing and you like fucking the geriatric than these photos might get you off. All I see is a woman in need of a caregiver and a cheeseburger.

  8. yourmomisworthfivecents

    No snide remarks here. If I was a friend or family member I would be worried. She does not look well

  9. Jim Levenstein

    She was so fine when in American Pie, but she looks like a fucking ragged smack head now on the verge of death!


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