Former participant of “The Voice” show, singer Sophia Urista from Brass Against, pisses on a crazy fapper at a rock festival in Florida (November 2021). It was too cool for her boring performance!
I’m just saying, this bitch can piss on me anytime. Hell, I’d risk Delta and divorce (because if there was a tape of me on that stage, my wife would fucking flip) by going to a concert if it was guaranteed that she would piss on me.
I could perhaps understand the gut’s choice if it was the likes of Shakira, Katy Perry. Taylor Swift,. Jo -Lo, Beyonce in her prime or Billie Ellish as at least the are all either really hot or super famous or both. At least that might be something to brag about lol
That’s some Weimar Republic tier shit. If they want shock value they should just flash the audience, not pull disgusting stunts like this.
Now some idiot will try to top this with even more vile acts.
dudes probably got a father somewhere.
Damn idiot. When he tells people nobody will even know who he is talking about.
But why?
She appears to be a rug muncher judging by her IG so that’s probably the closest a guy has gotten to her pussy.
Spankmaster finds ‘fame’ .
I low key fapped to this.
Miley Cyrus is probably ‘pissed’ she didn’t think of this first.
She’ll have to shit on someone now to top it
Lucky fucking bastard!
name checks out
there has to be differnt videos flotting around
And this is how you keep your fans ”interested”. By being a good Whore…
So take note you fellow Whores!…
And yet here you are watching it — whore watcher
crazy fapper? is that you crapper?
I wanted to see from the dude’s POV
Chuck Berry just popped outta the grave to film this
LMFAO. Only a cracka would do something this vile. Take this L neanderthals.
More like Sophia Urine-ista.
I’m just saying, this bitch can piss on me anytime. Hell, I’d risk Delta and divorce (because if there was a tape of me on that stage, my wife would fucking flip) by going to a concert if it was guaranteed that she would piss on me.
I could perhaps understand the gut’s choice if it was the likes of Shakira, Katy Perry. Taylor Swift,. Jo -Lo, Beyonce in her prime or Billie Ellish as at least the are all either really hot or super famous or both. At least that might be something to brag about lol
The folks must be so proud…
this is not even sexy.I don’t know her,but she’s the ugliest bitch I ever seen.
Those democrats are so”cool”
That’s some Weimar Republic tier shit. If they want shock value they should just flash the audience, not pull disgusting stunts like this.
Now some idiot will try to top this with even more vile acts.
This marks the end of Western Civilization.