10 thoughts on “Sara Pascoe Sexy (6 Photos)

  1. Mr.Loopy

    If you want to scare the kids for Halloween, then this is definitely it!

    Good lord have mercy on my eyes…

  2. Spankmaster

    Oh look, it’s Doctor Dicks Xmas present. That huge dildo in the first photo is just what he needs to keep himself happy, especially as his mother is going to steal it from him and ruthlessly abuse him with it over the holidays. Happy holiday penetrations Dockie and do hope your arse bleeds buckets….

    1. Doctor Dick

      I actually modelled for that fyi. They call that one the ”Doctor Dick Small”. Sara Pascoe has obviously rammed the ”large” up her ass. The ladies love some Doctor Dick :-)

      1. Spankmaster

        Outrageously lying again I see, Dockie. Tsk, tsk. I was going to give you more angle grinder therapy, but instead I’ll just beat you to death with that dildo as it will give you the sexual pleasure you so richly deserve and give me the blessed relief from you that I have earned. It’s a win win situation all round…


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