“Coronation Street” ex-star Christopher (Chris) Quinten celebrates his 62nd Birthday with his stripper fiancee, the 21-year-old Robyn Delabarre at Secrets in Hammersmith in London, 07/25/2019.
“Coronation Street” ex-star Christopher (Chris) Quinten celebrates his 62nd Birthday with his stripper fiancee, the 21-year-old Robyn Delabarre at Secrets in Hammersmith in London, 07/25/2019.
How many boxes of Viagra is he using a week?
Unless he’s tying his cock to them helium balloons.
But what would I know? I suffer from premature ejaculation but just curious.
Kim K.’s hourly rate must have been too expensive for him.
Holy fucking bobble head… That melon he has is like half the size of his body.bshe looks like a fucking trans. Why am I even looking at this steaming pile.
Oh!!!!! Daddy.
Brian tilsley , act your vastly shameless old twat.