Young and effervescent, with dark, mischievous eyes and a tight, trim body that packs a wallop in its solid and compact behind, Paula Garcés is the best high ever to come out of Medellín (Colombia), though the closest we’ve come to becoming intoxicated by her flesh is some butt in The Shield and A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas, which was the work of a double. Curses.
Anyway, check out the best nude and sexy photos and videos of our beloved Paula Garces in The Fappening Blog gallery.
Those Dutch guys sold this site long ago. Its been shit ever since they sold it to the Russians, then whoever they sold it to. Now we have tranny pics, reality show z-listers, and Tiktok/Instagram nobodies. Oh, and Kardashians.
This site has gone so downhill. TheFappening has nothing to do with screencaps from tv shows and movies. “Sexy” is not a word you should use when describing pictures of 50 year old fat chicks in bikinis, and no one wants to see Maitland Ward naked anymore. Paula Garces is hot, yes, but she isn’t nude in any of these pictures, and none of these are from theFappening, so just stop.
Get the un-retouched version of the bikini photos on the net — she has a nasty scar on here lower right stomach which is photoshopped out of all of these photos and there are a couiple which have some nice nipple peeks (big brown areolas.) Hard t6op find but they were out on the next about 10 years ago (yeah, these are old photos)
I wonder if her butthole is as pinched as her face?
Not a single nude, fake news. This site has really gone to shit. Bring back the old webmaster.
Those Dutch guys sold this site long ago. Its been shit ever since they sold it to the Russians, then whoever they sold it to. Now we have tranny pics, reality show z-listers, and Tiktok/Instagram nobodies. Oh, and Kardashians.
She looks like she’d be one dissatisfied nag from dawn to dusk, from dusk to dawn.
This site has gone so downhill. TheFappening has nothing to do with screencaps from tv shows and movies. “Sexy” is not a word you should use when describing pictures of 50 year old fat chicks in bikinis, and no one wants to see Maitland Ward naked anymore. Paula Garces is hot, yes, but she isn’t nude in any of these pictures, and none of these are from theFappening, so just stop.
Nude? Come the fuck on guys. Clickbait!!
I like how they describe her as “young.”
Girl’s 44 years old (born March 20, 1974).
Do your research, guys…
And now? She’s daaamn near 50.
Get the un-retouched version of the bikini photos on the net — she has a nasty scar on here lower right stomach which is photoshopped out of all of these photos and there are a couiple which have some nice nipple peeks (big brown areolas.) Hard t6op find but they were out on the next about 10 years ago (yeah, these are old photos)
At one time she was a 10 out of 10…now she’s aging like the typical latina…ROUGH…
lot of pictures are not her
Nice face ugly tits!!