17 thoughts on “Nikki Glaser Poses Naked for PETA (1 Photo)

  1. GHUA

    Her entire schtick is that she’s kind of pretty and sexy and likes to do slutty stuff. It’s funny for about 5 minutes but 5 years later is just boring

    1. Trutherbob

      Yeah, it true. That thing in her new HBO special where she acts out getting gang banged wasn’t funny and was actually kind of sad. But at least she’s still hot.

      1. Spankmaster

        Why would anyone want to mimic getting gangbanged as a humorous routine? Unless, of course, she was acting out what will undoubtedly happen to Russell Brand once he ends up in prison for hopefully a very long time. That being the case, then I will find her to be extremely hilarious…

  2. 300 lbs ballerina

    Her tits are nicer than I expected. Nice gams too. But her feet are horrendous with bunions on both sides (strategically concealed here). But I can’t mentally unsee her pussy after she said it looks like a hastily packed suitcase. That’s gotta be one hell of a meat curtain meltdown…

  3. peter dobson

    I think she’s hilarious. Did you hear her talking about her dog going down on her….hahahaha it was so funny.

    1. 300 lbs ballerina

      By her own admission it looks like a “hastily packed suitcase”, which sounds like a major meat curtain mess.

  4. Name

    One of the flattest asses on a healthy woman in America, and maybe on Earth. She makes Amy Landecker and Kate Walsh look like Megan Thee Stallion. On top of that, she’s a complete whore. Good thing she has a pretty face and great tits and legs, because yeesh…


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