Stunning Niemira Foxx gets nude and shows off her assets in an erotic photoshoot for W4B.
Niemira Foxx is a Ukrainian adult model and OF content creator. She was born on May 19, 1992 in Kherson.

They have silicone in Ukraine?
Ban Ukraine. I support Russia. Puti Puti! Yay!
ko bangang ke ko cibai sebenarnya lancau?
ИДИ НА ХУЙ russian whore! xD
She was a cam model long ago, i have many private shows with her.
Привет есть что-то с ней может видео
I’m ready to do my bit and take a ukranian refugee into my home as long as theyre a hot woman/porn star,lol
Rephrase that. “Not stunning.”………There you go.