Bulgarian actress Maria Bakalova smiles for our cameras and stops to pose as we spot her leaving the Crosby hotel in NYC, 08/03/2022.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariabakalovaofficial/

Bulgarian actress Maria Bakalova smiles for our cameras and stops to pose as we spot her leaving the Crosby hotel in NYC, 08/03/2022.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariabakalovaofficial/
Zero women from that country looks good. Not this one and especially not that libtard Nina Dobrev.
I heard what your name stands for, and yeah, that checks out.
zero doubt this desperate whore fucked guiliani off camera, before she humiliated him
She’s a 4 out of 10.
Don’t let the fake blonde hair fool you.
She’s below average AS FUCK.
Somebody otta pull that skirt up as crapper films it. Though itd be the last thing he does before going to jail for a while.
Yet another nicely titted blonde wannabe actress who knows every lump on the casting couch. Ho fucking hum…
Why do Gay men hate her?
Because they’re scared of real women.