Check out Kanako Iioka’s nude photo collection. You can see this brunette at the hotels fully naked and with men while filming XXX videos.
Kanako Iioka (飯岑γγͺγ) aka Fumiko (γ΅γΏγ), Ryoko Fujiwara (θ€ειΌε), Kyoko Iijima (ι£―ε³Άζε) is a Japanese adult model and porn actress. She has in her porn portfolio more than 200 sex scenes.
I keep her name, thanks
thats a ninja fuck robot created to handle ony asian dicks
Pretty cute for a dirty pornstar.
Cheap orientals, a penny a dozen.
Hate Asian porn especially Japanese!
What with their censoring shit?
Plus, you never know if the women are enjoying or in pains!
What with the whiny noises they make while fucked, even with tiny dicks!
JAV is glorious.