Check out Julie Mccullough’s nude photos and screenshots with nude, hot and sex scenes from “Big Bad Mama II” and “Round Trip to Heaven”.
Julie Michelle McCullough (born January 30, 1965) is an American model, actress and stand-up comedian. She was Playboy magazine’s Playmate of the Month for February 1986, and played the role “Julie Costello” on Growing Pains in 1989-90.
Old-school tits and bush. Lovely.
10 out of 10 in her day.
Absolute babe who got treated like shit on the tv show Growing Pains because one of the actors was a screech for Jesus arsehole who didn’t want someone who had gone nude in Playboy to affect his puritanical ways. Fucking wanker who wouldn’t know his own ringpiece from a keyhole. He’s undoubtedly a rent boy by now, hopefully on his knees in prayer position with a knob in his mouth, wondering where he went wrong…
Yeah, that was queer-for-jeebus Kirk Cameron, who got gorgeous Julie fired because he never read that part of the bible that said “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” Come to think of it, he probably never read ANY part of the bible. American “christians” are the worst.
What Spank & Carlos said – how the fuck do you act in Hollywood & be a bible thumping virgin?
You tell us, cupcake.
Hanzo boy, please understand there were a group of people in Hollywood, twelve of them in fact, all holier than thou, all undoubtedly in bred and called Osmond, with them being Mormons. They had a popular tv show and were all round entertainers, while proudly declaring themselves as supposedly virgin Jesus screechers who never had enough substance to survive past the 80’s. And despite making a valid point to you, them not surviving, for that we are all extremely fucking thankful…
Jeezus fuckin christ she was hot – what a glistening bush