14 thoughts on “Josie Cunningham Topless (16 Photos)

  1. James

    Since when did the price of a boob job drop to under $100.00? That is without a doubt the worst pair of breasts I think I’ve seen.

  2. Eng

    That is NOT an english model, she’s an example of white trash chav scum that plague England. She got famous for getting a free boob job off the NHS (probably why it was awful). Obviously it pissed everyone off because there are more needing people of actual life changing operations. She’s a horrible human being.

  3. an Englishman into porn

    Your version of who these people are terrifies me! She is mocked in the U.K. And is a hate figure from the shitty level rag newspapers! A model? Next you will be listing Terry Richardson as a “Catwalk model from New York, Canada” and perhaps Paris Hilton as a fucking Russian politician from Australia!

  4. Dan

    WTF is this??????????? hahaha she’s NO celebrity, she’s NOT a model she’s a skank bint who is trying to get a modelling contract who also spoke on getting an abortion JUST so she can go into the big brother series – this site is getting kack now nothing but bloody movie scene pics and bikini shots half the time yawwwwn


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