British actress, singer and model Jennifer Ellison poses on the red carpet for The National Diversity Awards at the Cathedral in Liverpool, 09/16/2022.

British actress, singer and model Jennifer Ellison poses on the red carpet for The National Diversity Awards at the Cathedral in Liverpool, 09/16/2022.
If you fucked her back in 2003 at her peak,
then you got the cow for free.
But, if you were the one who married her,
you paid “full price” for a used-up vagina.
Wow, she used to be moderately attractive nearly 2 decades ago.
who even are these fat cunts?
sexy as fuck
Wow, time and ageing are cruel. Go back twenty years and this chick was pretty hot. Now? Ugh.
Why on Earth is there such a thing as diversity awards? Pure leftwing nonsense. Nigeria isn’t very diverse, nor is Japan and no one complains. But in Anglo Saxon countries we’re only worthy if we have diversity?
I hit Jennifer quite a while ago.
Surgery can never recapture your youth, those days are gone. Rest easy and be at peace with the ageing process.
Big or small, I hit them all.
Yes, you are cruel, but justified. An absolute babe in her day who did not age well, unlike Emmy Rossum. Sigh…
Dunno what all you gay lords are on about. Looks fine for 40. Go screw 14 year olds like you want to.