Actress Isabel Lucas is pictured with her new boyfriend at a beach in Byron Bay, 09/29/2022.

Actress Isabel Lucas is pictured with her new boyfriend at a beach in Byron Bay, 09/29/2022.
She’s age 37,
ran thru,
and still acting like
a ‘horny-teenage girl’.
Да похуй, всё равно бы вдул. Худышка всегда была и такой и останется. Таз/бедра норм, не мальчуковая.
Doesn’t matter, I still would.
She’s happy and enjoys life. Unlike you.
There is hope for us pensioners yet.
Lucky bastard to have that pretty girl look at him like that. Jesus.
“Knight of Cups” is a masterpiece but Malick should have included more of her in the film. We don’t even get a good shot of her face for chrissakes, yet she’s the girl who Bale ends up with. The wife and other lovers also deserved more screentime but the cuts to Isabel’s screentime were especially severe.