Here are the sexy and nude photos of Ines Rau by Derek Kettela for Playboy US (November-December 2017). Ines Rau is a French transgendered model and activist of Algerian descent. Born: 1990.
Ines had sex-change surgery when she was 15. She then moved to New York, where she began performing live with DJs and built a career as a model. Also Rau professionally engaged in Thai boxing and kickboxing.

Nobody wants to see this mentally ill faggot.
Why you talking about yourself that way.
Agreed its fucking gross!
You could post pictures of literally ANY girl on the planet before you post a trans fag on here. Wtf
Seeing this comment confirms that you clicked a link to look at a sexy naked post-op tranny. It’s official – you’re gay now.
You posted first. You’re the fag. Got AIDS yet?
takes one to know one wink wink
Not really. Some of us just clicked the link for replies to see the gong show.
This is fucking disgusting and you are sick for posting it. That’s a man with mental illness, please don’t post more of this trash. Yuck!
Cancelled my playboy subscription long time ago. Since Hef died it turned into fag fest
i didnt even read trans and knew it
wtf is wrong with this site.
guess i know my new years resolution…. peace out faggots
HiLo, never to return.
I just had A quick wank on this hot arse
Totally csme
Enough of the tranny bullshit already.
I saw the title and clicked. As I was loading I thought “something isn’t right” then I started looking at the pictures. I quickly concluded I was certain this is a man. Look at the details and yup a GOD DAMN TRANNY.
Get that lady boy shit out
wanna see the wrinkled wizened Vagina of her… or him. And the messed up hole, they drilled into her. She should spread legs, tho!
Crapper again pushing on his fetishes of trans and fatties on the users of the site. Fuck u crapper
Daily reminder that traps are gay
It’s a neat trick really since it’s sure to gross out everyone.
It makes the Maitland’s and Lisa Appleton’s almost enjoyable.
Trying to play mind tricks on us Crapper?
The body is somewhat passable in a young Cher sort of way, but the face still looks like a dude in makeup.
Hell yeah, I’d tap that phat azz!
NO TRANNY, please!
Are all the soy boys jerking off to this on here.
I cum by here FAITHFULLY to bust sum AWESOME nuts to Mz.Ines Playboy Rau
Why are we posting tranny faggot POS people!!! Wtf is wrong with this blog
Not exactly Playboy tits.
Ugly fucking guy playing dress up
She’s pretty hot
She’s so CEXXY and probably one of the best moves Playboy could have made by bringing this T.girl into the mix
All you assholes that crying “faggot” and are supposedly SO grossed out, you obviously clicked the link because you either thought she was hot or knew who she was and wanted to see the pics anyway. If you e done your research you’d know that she is now 100% woman now. If you met her on the street and took her home and fucked her you wouldn’t be able to tell that she was trans. So quit your bit chin’. If you don’t wanna see it then leave the site, or better yet, don’t come here in the first fucking place. Take your hate elsewhere. Quit acting like fucking sissies and go back to fucking your buddies and blaming it on the beers like you usually do you closet case assholes.
I’d suck it …or lick it…whatever I’m down
Gee, there sure are quite a few soyjaks in here defending this “stunning and brave” tranny for being the first and probably last fag on a “playboy” magazine.