Ella Ross has dinner at Catch in West Hollywood, 05/11/2017. Ella Ross is a British model, stylist. Age: 21.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ellarossalina/

Ella Ross has dinner at Catch in West Hollywood, 05/11/2017. Ella Ross is a British model, stylist. Age: 21.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ellarossalina/
pretty girl but no naked tits
…but no matter…I’m a faggot and pedophile…name is andreas….
running scared are ya, you child pedophile? feeling the need to try and call me out? not gonna work you perverted fuck, you’ve been tagged and tranquilized with the dart gun…..such is the fate of cocksuckers like you pedophile troll………
…exactly how I like em….being a pedoohile and all….name is andreas, Andreas the pedo….comet ping pong is my favorite hangout…..
Goddamit bitch look at the camera what is so fucking fascinating about the ground?