Love Island’s Adam Maxted and girlfriend Carly Taylor are pictured at the beach while on holiday in Barbados, 06/27/2017. Carly Taylor is a British dancer and fitness instructor.

Love Island’s Adam Maxted and girlfriend Carly Taylor are pictured at the beach while on holiday in Barbados, 06/27/2017. Carly Taylor is a British dancer and fitness instructor.
Fitness Instructor?
Human Cube…
I want to eat that ass
Fat bitch,that ass is disgusting,anyone turned on by a freakishly fat ass is weird
shut up you virgin
….me like…double portion of man candy for me….he’s got balls so big he won’t be teabagging me….he’ll be lampshading me….love that….
now you’ve got it, dont fight it little troll and you wont feel a thing when I peel that skin back….voila….lampshade
LA face with an Oakland booty
No one guna call her fat? With that ass?
What’s the difference between her and Lucy Collette?
Gladiator with blue whale
If she’s a fitness instructor, I’m a fucking physics Nobel laureate. Her ass is the size of a truck. I don’t buy it.
awesome body, she is ok too
Wow, that’s a whole heap of farting gear, right there.
I would let this girl fart on my face
nice body, nice booty…..what a butt she has….
I want some of those buns, hun!
That poor, poor guy must be in so much pain from lugging her donut eating gorilla ass everywhere.
more like a football player
skipped leg day your whole life bro? good job.
She’s got an outstanding body! Haters gonna hate but she can bounce on my balls anyime!!!
She is overbuilt like a brick shithouse but what I’m seeing here is not fat. No cellulite, definition in thighs and calves, flat stomach. She could crush your skull with those thighs. I’m strangely aroused by that.
holy fuck. an ass to end all asses! I am in love!