15 thoughts on “Apolonia Lapiedra Naked (16 Photos + Video)

    1. Spankmaster

      I love getting my ass gaped by Pierre Woodman, or any man with wood. Grrr…stand back…we have lift off….micro-penis activate!!!

        1. Spankmaster - anything else is just a bad imitation.

          Ooh, this is such an honor to have my very own fan club. It’s so nice to have an appreciative and adoring fan base. I promise to provide the same content you’ve come to love and expect in your posters. Just thinking about you all thinking about me and my tiny little nub gets me all warm and toasty. Grrr….stand back….we have lift off….micro-penis-ACTIVATE!!!!

          1. Spankmaster Fan Club

            Thank you Pseudo Spankmaster for your post. You raise some confused points. All I can say on your behalf is to quote YOUR earlier post: “time not spent sucking on massive, sagging BBC ball sacks is time wasted.”
            PS I wish to joining the growing list of fans seeking the return of the Original Spankmaster and his Flaming Rectal Zygmoidascope.

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