Adelina Sharipova Nude & Sexy (50 Photos)

Here are the nude and sexy photos of Adelina Sharipova (2008-2018). Adelina Sharipova is a 32-year-old Russian model, singer, actress, and television presenter.

She began to engage in ballroom dancing and sports since childhood. The girl would like to learn to sing, went to a music school, where she studied singing. Later, already in high school, Adeline was engaged in vocal more strenuously.

The girl sang in the group, but she chose a modeling business. Her photos were sold to the magazines: Maxim, Playboy, FHM. Later, Sharipova  works on TV as a host.


11 thoughts on β€œAdelina Sharipova Nude & Sexy (50 Photos)”

  1. Real A. Merican

    Here’s a translation of the russian text:

    β€œThis one time, I got hired along with another girl to go to hotel in Moscow. It was really nice hotel, and all we had to do was get naked and kiss a little bit, then – get this – they wanted us to PEE on the bed! Whatever; rubles is rubles. There was this fat guy there; he looked like… How you say, a pumpkin? A cantaloupe? Anyway he was very excited about the peeing and kept trying to touch his petersburg, but his hands and pyonis are both very small so not having so much luck. Our boss said be sure not to tell him about the videokameras. Such a crazy job!”

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    1. Mr. Proper

      Dude you better learn some slav, because literally nothing of it was on the photos. The photos are shit though

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