58 thoughts on “Frenchy Morgan Wears a Pink Bikini to the Trump Rally in Beverly Hills (37 Photos)


    Donnie boy, the coke whores you ordered have arrived. Enjoy them now, ’cause they don’t allow visitors at Leavenworth. You and ‘Q’ will have to settle for docking each other.

    1. Trump Takes It Up The Ass

      Even Stormy Daniels is hotter than these lowlife whores. Meaning Chump will be approaching them soon to purchase some pussy. Melania wont go near that orange piece of shit.

    1. Spankmaster

      I want something human, Doc. This aint it. Unlike you, who continually breaks the law with the charge of indecent exposure, as you wait to get probed by the aliens. Happy penetration for you and make sure you smile when questioned by the authorities…

  2. SuperHater

    Someone should’ve shooed those creatures away, they’re disrespectful to Trump, his supporters and the whole presidential campaign.

    1. Make moronism wrong again

      “Disrespectful to Trump”? You’re joking, aren’t you? To a natural born liar and fraud, how would one be disrespectful?

      1. wawa

        You’re saying that as we have far LEFT democrats literally burning down and looting almost every major city in the country nonstop :/ whilst simultaneously dumping on the 1st and 2nd amendment. I swear so many of you fucks should be banned from voting.

        1. Mediatuner

          “Many of you should be banned from voting” – You know, how democratism works, don’t you? Papa Donald, Uncle Stalin and Uncle Adolf are proud of you.

    1. Dark D

      If Trump loses and you’re forced to leave the US. Please don’t come to the UK or Europe in general. Go to Antartica or the Arctic. EVERYTHING is white there, so it’s already your personal heaven.

      1. wawa

        Who do you think would win a civil war this time around? On one side you have soyboys that need safe spaces due to words hurting their feelings and how the emotional intelligence of a child. They couldn’t even get through a meeting without everyone getting triggered due to loud sounds, yet you expect these people to fight a war? ROFL. Youtube democratic socialist convention.

        On the other you have dudes stockpiling weapons and doing survival, weapon and combat training for fun.

        1. Howdy

          You mean on the right side we have sad cunts insulting usernames on a porn site.
          Good rest of your life mr. Wawa.
          I say “good” even though we both know it’ll be miserable.

        2. Dark D

          Watching you get gunned down by your own military would be a pleasure. “Soy boys” or anyone else for that matter, wouldn’t have to move a muscle. Failing that, you’d eventually face like hmm, I don’t know, the rest of the world. You’re one of those Americans who things the world ends at their state borders aren’t you. Drowning in your own ignorance. The worst part is, this is all stems from you being unable to get laid. We’re going to have to invent a new word that supersedes pathetic to describe you in the future you miserable cunt.

  3. Erogenous Jones

    But who was looking after her grandkids while she was out ? Or are they old enough to take care of themselves while granny is out serving as a warning of what can happen to the human body ?

  4. Timothie

    I always just thought of her as a stunningly ugly and cheap plastic whore.

    But I am starting to discover I have some newfound respect for her.

  5. Bogg

    Donald Chump probably hit this shit. Hahahahaha Hence it’s support of Chump. This fucking bitch looks like the rotten grey tissue that Doctor’s cut away from a cancerous tumor. And ironically enough..it’s Chump’s “type” hahahahaha

  6. Super Abe Lincoln

    Trump Supporters Want To Keep American The Great Place That It Is. For Everyone.

    Democratic Shit Bags Wanna Destroy It.


    You have a choice.

    Trump: Freedom

    Biden: Looks Like The Radical Left Have Just Fucked You Real Good. And I Mean, Real Good!

    @ Carlos T. Jackal

    Morons Are Gutting America. They’re Called Democrats And The Dumb Motherfucker’s That Supports Them.

    1. Wendell

      Shut the fuck up………After that debate last night the closest Trump is going to get to the White House is San Quentin.

  7. The Voice Of Reason

    The horror. The horror.
    She certainly does epitomize the typical Trump supporter though, I’ll give ya that. She was probably more limber when she fucked Roosevelt in his wheelchair.

  8. Brazilian boy

    If this election were in Brazil Trump would have already won! Whores supporting him in a bikini on the street? it’s a sure win, no contest! But if it were here in Brazil, as the election is in the USA, I think there are too many feminists and gays to make the other candidate a champion. Which normal person votes in biden?? Seriously.

  9. Super Abe Lincoln

    To Americans: Remember…..

    The Left (Democrats) wants to DEFUND THE POLICE & TAKE AWAY YOUR GUNS.

    Raise your taxes, force your children to listen to a Tranny read them stories, force you to accept that there’s more than two sexes. And any and all WOKENESS.

  10. emoneymonty

    I need to have a talk with my penis about what it’s appropriate for it to get hard to, because this should not do it


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