Tessa Blanchard



Does anyone have any of the RingDivas stuff from Tessa Blanchard?

She did a bunch of sexy shoots and fetish vids but recently got them scrubbed from the internet. Does anyone out there still have them they were so hot


Well-Known Member
Have you tried not being such a massive twat?
You've already admitted you found the pics on Google but couldn't be bothered/didn't know how to save the pics and share them?
Back in your box, newbie. If you can't be helpful keep your comments to yourself.


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New Member
Have you tried not being such a massive twat?
You've already admitted you found the pics on Google but couldn't be bothered/didn't know how to save the pics and share them?
Back in your box, newbie. If you can't be helpful keep your comments to yourself.
Firstly he wasn’t asking for pics, he was asking for the videos of her wrestling in lingerie & skimpy gear
And I told him to Google it because they all show up on a Google search because have been reloaded
And they’re on porn sites, you can’t post other site links on here because the moderator doesn’t allow the post
I was actually being helpful because that’s the way to find them because not on any site like this
Why would I download a video, then re upload it to another page, then put a link on here if they’re found with a Google search?


You’re not wrong
Staff member
Firstly he wasn’t asking for pics, he was asking for the videos of her wrestling in lingerie & skimpy gear
And I told him to Google it because they all show up on a Google search because have been reloaded
And they’re on porn sites, you can’t post other site links on here because the moderator doesn’t allow the post
I was actually being helpful because that’s the way to find them because not on any site like this
Why would I download a video, then re upload it to another page, then put a link on here if they’re found with a Google search?
You answered a question from 3 years ago and for future reference if the name is blacked out and says guest they have been deleted from the forum for one reason or another, check the date of the post you’re answering, unless you’re posting content it’s pointless answering comments from months let alone years ago.
you’re literally arguing with a guy that bumped a 3 year old thread to answer a question, appreciate you adding the content but don’t turn it into a back and forth between the pair of you, he’s been given a little guidance so hopefully this won’t happen again from him.

Have you tried not being such a massive twat?
You've already admitted you found the pics on Google but couldn't be bothered/didn't know how to save the pics and share them?
Back in your box, newbie. If you can't be helpful keep your comments to yourself.
Thanks for the content add, you’re arguing with a guy that answered a post from 3 years ago, he’s been advised moving forward let’s not turn this into a pointless comment thread as you 2 go back and forth.


Well-Known Member
You answered a question from 3 years ago and for future reference if the name is blacked out and says guest they have been deleted from the forum for one reason or another, check the date of the post you’re answering, unless you’re posting content it’s pointless answering comments from months let alone years ago.
you’re literally arguing with a guy that bumped a 3 year old thread to answer a question, appreciate you adding the content but don’t turn it into a back and forth between the pair of you, he’s been given a little guidance so hopefully this won’t happen again from him.

Thanks for the content add, you’re arguing with a guy that answered a post from 3 years ago, he’s been advised moving forward let’s not turn this into a pointless comment thread as you 2 go back and forth.
Had no plans to go back and forth with him. Didn't look at the dates of the other posts.