18 thoughts on “Florence Pugh Nude – Oppenheimer (3 Pics)

  1. Severin

    I’m sure it’s rankled the loathsome neo-Puritans, but for me the sight of sweaty topless Pugh on an enormous IMAX screen was a very pleasant surprise that has already become a treasured cinematic memory. When I saw (and heard, because that movie was fucking LOUD) that she was riding Oppenheimer TOPLESS I was briefly bewildered that this was happening in a Nolan film, then I literally leaned forward in my seat in amazement.

    “Oppenheimer” is one of the greatest films I’ve seen, and is perhaps Nolan’s highest achievement as a director (biopics are rarely auteur films) even if I’m unwilling to say it’s his greatest film. It’s definitely Cillian Murphy’s best film, and is likely to be the best studio film of the year.


    1. AJ

      Fuck off with your faggoty film bullshit. Seeing a slut topless at the cinema was “a treasured cinematic memory”? You sound like the biggest faggot incel this side of Miller & Chester.

  2. burnoff

    Damn. I go back and forth on Florence Pugh more than anyone else. I can find her incredibly ugly and nasty or super smoking hot and fuckalble- like here. Will definitely be cumming to these photos!

  3. FuckMurica

    Oh yeah, this crap wasn’t already commercial/wide appeal enough. It really needed the usual random porn splattered over it for no purpose. It would be a shame if Pedowood missed even a single sheckel from those horny teens. I understand that things suchs as gayme of thrones have to be full of porn, cause oterwise nobody would watch them, but even this? How much can it increase the profits? 0.0001%? Will muricans ever make a movie/show that is not specifically targeting kids and doesn’t have porn in it again, like they used to in the past? Or will they at least learn making proper, non-vomitive erotic content? I guess not and in the end, it wouldn’t change a thing when all their modern entertainment is the same meaningless, degenerate, abject 5-10 cliches reskinned and repeated over and over again. Good for me I stopped watching such dejections 10 years ago.


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