Check out Fernanda Brandao’s nude (covered) and sexy photo collection, including pictures from the events, hot photoshoots, magazines’ scans and screenshots from reality TV shows Deutschland sucht den Superstar and Schlag den Star, in which she participated.
Fernanda Brandão Gonçalvez da Silva (born May 3, 1983 in Belo Horizonte) is a Brazilian fitness coach, presenter, dancer and recording artist, based in Munich, Germany. She became famous as a singer Dajango and Laava, and then as a member of the Latin pop trio, Hot Banditoz.
Nice ghetto tattoo.
I’m very popular in the ghetto
That first pic makes it look like she looks like she has giant salami nips.
Beautiful girl ruined by a tattoo. There’s nothing uglier on a girl.
Cute….she looks like a PORNSTAR…