Model Eva Menta poses braless showing off her nude breasts on the streets of Rome – Instagram, 01/04/2022.

Model Eva Menta poses braless showing off her nude breasts on the streets of Rome – Instagram, 01/04/2022.
This one looks like she went to exactly the same plastic surgeon or butcher as Alexis Mucci, only for them both to be just as vapid and boring as each other. Have a great time eating each other out as I dare say no one else will want to..,
All these ‘plastic-surgery nightmares’
end-up alone and worn-out at age 40.
With any luck, they might do some pointless hard core porn prior to 40, just to prove that their cosmetically made over lives haven’t been totally wasted. I’m sure it will give them something in the way of warm feelings and memories…
Terrible boob job, mutilation of the aerialis.
A good surgeons will go through the belly button, put in an empty pouch and then fill them up after they’ve been inserted leaving no scarring that are going under the armpit.
It’s a crappy surgeon. If they’re cutting, open your breasts in or under it?.
Crappy bolt-ons
Have to love all the women in the background with the same “WTF, Bitch?” reactions.
WHAT THE FUCK is this creature?! I checked her IG and her body is faker than a $2 bill. Holy fucking shit, Crapper, stop posting these fucking nobodies. She’s a disgusting looking thing.
yes. post pics of Greta Thunberg instead.
Now that is sick…