26 thoughts on “Emma Watson Sexy Collection (13 Photos)

  1. Truth

    She has the exact same amount of sex appeal as a 12-year-old boy.

    (Sadly and disgustingly, for many on this fucking site, that means ‘a lot’.)

    1. The Voice of Reason

      That’s because she doesn’t show her ass off enough. It’s pretty damn good and she doesn’t capitalize on it very often, because of that when you see her you think ‘Meh, nothing special’.

  2. Thank You

    I admit, her face is relatively pretty. It has no real flaws, but also very little appeal. It’s kind of ‘bland pretty’.

    And, as has been remarked many a time, she has the body of a little boy. Minuscule frame, no tits, no ass, boring legs.

    Unless you are a semi-gay Harry Potter geek who also jerks off to little boys wearing round glasses, I don’t see how anyone could be sexually attracted or aroused by this non-entity.

    Harsh but honest opinion; feel free to pour out your feigned bile beneath.

  3. Carlos T. Jackal

    So many haters… Girl’s got an estimated net worth of $85 million.
    I’m sure she’s really concerned about what a bunch of fat loser basement-dwelling douchebags on a 3rd rate celebrity porn site think.

    1. Davidson

      You forgot to add – Who is totally out of their league. Of course, if they really hate her as much as they claim, then why do they look at her pictures? Because their full of shit.

      1. Chester

        You’re a sycophant. You’re an ass kisser and what’s worse, you’re an idiot. A newbie idiot at that. Take your fucking opinions and your drivel and go someplace else. You are not welcome here.

    2. Chester

      Carlos. Shut the fuck up. Quit talking shit. She’s a fucking loser. Look it up in the Dictionary. Her picture is beside the definition.

  4. CrimsonK9

    The words “Emma Watson” and “sexy” don’t belong in the same sentence. Unless the word “isn’t” is between them. She looks like 11 year old fanboy fapbait. All the sex appeal of month old roadkill.

  5. tito

    she is very pretty actually but the first picture of this presentation was not a good shot! or is she hollywood magic since the first picture was a candid.

  6. Chester

    Her “acting” career really didn’t “pan out” did it? {Other than that Marvel movie she was in “Harry Potter.} The reality is that she couldn’t act her way out of a paper bag and has the personality of a doorknob. {And by the way Gene Simmons of KISS {PISS} is worth $400 million dollars and Madison Beer {believe it or not} is worth $16 million dollars and Bella Thorne is worth at least $10 million dollars {probably more} and Donald Trump {biggest liar and scumbag ever} is worth $2 billion dollars {not $10 billion dollars} so the fact that Emma Watson {or anybody else is WORTH such and such amount of money means less than zero. Mother Theresa’s net worth was 4 Rupee’s you fuckin’ morons…………….this “newbie” Davidson is the biggest sycophant and loser in the illustrious history of this board.

    1. King Neptune

      What did Trump do to you? He gave you a booming economy, what does it matter if you don’t like his personality?

    2. CrimsonK9

      Hasn’t had an acting job since 2019. If you remove Harry Potter from her filmography she doesn’t rate as a D-List character actor. And Marvel???? She wishes.


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