33 thoughts on “Emily Ratajkowski’s Shaved Pussy (3 Photos)

  1. Feminism Destroys Women

    That vagina was worth it’s weight in gold, when she was a virgin. But, she gave it away for free when she was a young, tight teen.

        1. You’ve never had a virgin, Tom.

          You’ve never had anyone or anything (besides your tiny, ladylike hand).
          That’s how !

    1. Tom Jones is an islamic extremist

      Go back to your islamic extremist butt buddies and let the straight men handle this.

  2. Mr. Loopy

    I’d rather see her beautiful face, just so i can discover the rest myself.

    In a sea of people, my eyes always search for you X

  3. Daveroberts11@gmail.com

    This is amazing… seriously, if one of you little finger fags complain about this I will beat you like the 40’s and 50’s used to beat fags… you will be pissing blood for a year and your teeth will go on my bone necklace, or my new bone necklace. My old one is full but I could afford to make a new one but I don’t like to wear fag so I will probably just make your poop smell loving fuck face faggot boyfriend eat them while I cut his ears off and send them to his dad with the message, “I don’t think your faggoface son heard you when you said, fags are the lowest of the low… maybe speak a little more clearly this time into the ear itself”

    1. R.Cable

      Just to make it clear…you are threatening those who dont like the pussy shots right? Honestly your message would be better recieved if you just said something like: “These pics are amazing…If any of you complains about these pics its time to come to terms with something: you’re gay.”

      The whole making their “poop-smell-loving, fuck-face boyfriends” eat their teeth and sending their ears to their dads message not only is misunderstood due to lack of punctuation and run on sentance structure, but also dismissed as a troll’s homophobic rant.

      But don’t get me wrong, I’m with you on your main point: Those are some nice pussy pics.

    1. nutsforsluts

      Just fuckin’ around with y’all, bitches. Emily is a straight up goddess. She’s the most beautiful and charming woman I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet. Absolute 10/10.

  4. 99% of commenters here are gay

    I really wish this site required people to have a profile picture that shows how truly ugly all of you misogynistic assholes are


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