Eiza Gonzalez looks great in her blue jeans and crop top as she arrives at a friend’s house in Los Angeles and carries two bottles of booze inside, 06/10/2020.
Instagram: https://instagram.com/eizagonzalez/
Eiza Gonzalez looks great in her blue jeans and crop top as she arrives at a friend’s house in Los Angeles and carries two bottles of booze inside, 06/10/2020.
Instagram: https://instagram.com/eizagonzalez/
I don’t understand the title of this post… What is a friend?
Crapper is now making up words! LOL!!!!
He really has lost it.
Good to see that prostitutes are also getting back to work now.
Ahhh! That’s her name… I always just called her Mexican Katie Holmes… now all she needs to do is get taken hostage by a mad little gay dwarf and have an odd little child with the dwarf thingy, as they build a life under a bridge and practice a made up nutballs religion that believes everyone is actually a HomoSexual who only likes the opposite sex for the reason of procreation and that the hexagon is the best shape of all shapes bc it contains all the other shapes in it? Work that one out and I will give you my 19 year old daughter. It is the religion of the tiny wieners and the faggots a like! One of the requirements to become a grand master in Science fiction, excuse me, science tology is you have to have anal sex with 11 men, both as a receiver and giver. Bc 11 of course is the best number bc it contains all numbers in it! Of course they are right and we are wrong and they are saving us! We just have to pay them all of our money, and have lots of gay sex with their faggot leaders, and never get a vaccine! Vaccines are the DEVIL! Or I should say the Glornupser in their eyes! Good day to you all!
Is that what the younger generation refers to as sex?
She is “visiting” a friend. Ahahaha
Open spread her dark Spanish asshole, tonuge it and smell it. Niceeee looks cunty too.
Would smash. Like Hulk
Literal prostitute. She fucks rich white old farts for a living. She also fucks movie producers, and, for the looks of it, she must be willing to take it anywhere and do anything she’s asked to do. Only that would explain her presence in Hollywood
Eiza will have a “boyfriend” for maybe 3 or 4 weeks then you won’t see the guy again. They’ll be swimming in the surf somewhere and they’ll be out shopping in L.A. a couple times an then the guy will disappear…………Eiza had plastic surgery you know. Before an after {nose.}…………She started out on the Soaps in Mexico…………I think Hollywood can be very tough on a girl like Eiza with no real connections.