22 thoughts on “Eiza Gonzalez Arrives for an Appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live! (19 Photos)

      1. Chump supporters are retarded

        You Trumptards are hilarious. A brainwashed cult worshiping a reality TV star LMAO! Imagine living your life supporting and even willing to die for a disgustingly oversized, grossly overweight, morbidly obese, fat,, orange slob? AKA a 5 Γ— draft dodging coward AKA the biggest joke in history and the biggest laughing stock of the entire planet? HAHAHAHA!

          1. You like the Oompa Loompa

            Big Tung is confusing you with Dump supporters/Trumptards. The hillbilly, trailer park trash who live off welfare. That’s how they get their meth.

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