Dua Lipa Sexy (295 Photos)

Songstress Dua Lipa is ending the year with those closest to her. The singer is joined by boyfriend Anwar Hadid and friends for rest and relaxation in Miami, 12/31/2019. The group relaxes and enjoys snacks and a smoke on a deck.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dualipa/

12 thoughts on “Dua Lipa Sexy (295 Photos)

  1. s.smith

    My skin crawls watching that scumbag touching her,maybe shes trying to piss her parents off,hope she drops him soon

      1. Charles

        Not all rapists are douche bags either. They can be excellent fathers and husbands too. Some even think its just a fun game they are playing with women.

      2. debit none

        Yeah it does, actually. Your body is your temple, you color it with permanent ink like a toddler uses crayons in a coloring book.

        1. Yours Gaby

          specimen of the idiot species found. spoken like a true fanatic. Whom you thinking of blowing up next m8?

  2. trump isanidiot

    Do we really need 648 pictures of this woman and her boyfriends and “mates” {YO MATEY!} on the first two pages of this site? {Do we need 648 pictures of ANYBODY, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME.} Anwar is a a ding dong and so is she. Look at their unhip, uncool, dildo friends.


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