Dev Patel Celebrates 30th Birthday with Tilda Cobham-Hervey on Quarantine (18 Photos)

Dev Patel celebrates his 30th birthday while in COVID-19 quarantine with his girlfriend Tilda Cobham-Hervey, 04/23/2020. The lovebirds share kisses and drinks as they laugh away with friends at a safe distance while drinking gin and dispensing hand sanitizer to his guests.

23 thoughts on “Dev Patel Celebrates 30th Birthday with Tilda Cobham-Hervey on Quarantine (18 Photos)

    1. Mr. Loopy

      I give a shit – I’d like to ride that camel jockey bareback and maybe that can dislodge the impacted backup.

  1. Alexander Smel

    देव भाई कुछ दारु इधर भी दीजिये. ..सारे दुकान बंद है lockdown में

    1. wawa

      Indian men are fugly and always look like gross oily dudes. They share a lot in common with Mexican men. It’s really no surprise their women jump all over white D.

      1. Siski

        The moment a white guy passes even a fleeting glance, they will drop everything including their negroid bfs and start drooling over him.

      2. Kill cave monkeys

        Stfu you fucking honkey. NOBODY wants a pale ass cracker with a tiny, little, pink pee-pee, bitch!

  2. Severin

    She’s a good looking chick whom I’d absolutely fuck, but this man dated FREIDA PINTO for chrissake. As attractive as Tilda is she’s a step down.


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