Here are the sexy photos of Danai Gurira. Danai Jekesai Gurira is an American actress (The Walking Dead (TV) / as Michonne) and playwright of Zimbabwean ancestry. Age – 39.

Here are the sexy photos of Danai Gurira. Danai Jekesai Gurira is an American actress (The Walking Dead (TV) / as Michonne) and playwright of Zimbabwean ancestry. Age – 39.
So, what sad racist cunt has an opinion on this on then!
I dont usually care if its a black pussy or white or red or yellow or brown. But this time around, I do. Move over biatch I can smell your stink from here.
Once you’ve seen her munch carpet, what more is there ?
Id fuck her for all the good it’d do me, bet she’s a tight one.
Better tell your wife you’ll be bringing home some crabs.
I see the CelebJihad comment section has bled over here