French humorist Constance Pitard (33) gets topless for the topless day while making fun of puritanism on a serious French news radio (France Inter). The scene is totally unexpected and uncensored, which is unsual on French public media.

Thanks to Michel for the info!
Great titties!!!
” The scene is totally unexpected and uncensored, which is unsual on French public media.”
Bullshit. The author of the text knows France well as Cantonese Chinese.
That was a joke, buddy.
I am the one who suggested this entry to the Administrator. I can tell you that on French TV and radio, it is really unusual to see nude people without blurring, especially when it is about women. The few cases of full nudity always happen on live broadcasting when the production crew is not aware of it. In France, we also have the CSA which stuggle hard against nudity on TV from ordinary people. Try to have a look at all our French real TV show such as Secret Secret Story (Big Brother), Les Marseillais, Les Chtis, Adam et Eve (Adam looking for Eva), Undress. All these programs are always censored contrary to similar emissions from other countries. For instance in Germany, Netherlans, Spain, they don’t censor at all Adam looking for Eva. We use to have nudity easier in France, but that was years ago. Now France is going more and more puritanist
On voit des seins aux infos tout les jours. Les femens passent à la télé sans floutage toutes les semaines. Et même dans la télé réalité. On a vu Loana se faire troncher en directe. Le CSA ne peut pas intervenir dans tout les cas car tout les types d’émissions n’appartiennent pas à la même catégorie. Un “reportage” n’as pas les mêmes droits et obligation qu’un “film” ou “information” ou “jeu télé”. Donc selon l’appellation Il y aura floutage ou non. Oui un tas de choses sont censurer. Quand on est sur des plages horaires grand publique et des programmes destiné à un publique jeune. On avait des films érotiques (16+) sur M6 on en a toujours sur paris première. Il y’a même des hentais.
Trés jolie poitrine.
Time for another revolution. Where’s madame defarge and her ‘Jacques’? And don’t forget to bring out the chopper while you’re looking for them.
I guess Constance Pitard must be the French version of Chelsea Handler.
Except better looking, with a more pleasant personality, and without an unhealthy attraction to piss.
This was her first nudity in her career, but she’s now kind of look like her.
Gorgeous blondie and beautiful breasts!!!
Please fix Nudogram.
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Fix? Crapper’s deliberately put that there. He certainly does not make his money from the ad displays everyone blocks.
Beautiful boobies. Gotta love the spirit.
Like it matters on RADIO if you have a shirt on or not…bitch looks like she came from an Alabama trailer park.
Nice tits,aah,the crazy french never afraid to get naked
Nicole Ferroni next? :p
We need more such days.
Those first two pictures were fun. And then we had to see her busted ass face.
Who needs chewing gum?