Italian/American Reality TV girl Claudia Romani lets us forget for a minute the tragical circumstances happening in the world, reminding us it is St Patrick’s day, 03/16/2020.
The model celebrated in South Beach wearing a tiny black bikini and green shamrock props … including a tattoo and a sash saying “Irish For a day.” Passers by were amused and took lots of pictures of the curvy fit brunette
Can we make this a ‘skank free zone’?
You’d have to exclude all the Brit reality show girls which is apparently all they have over there.
Long overdue tits and butthole?
How can any overlook this horse face? Yuck. Just do porn for Christ’s sake!!
direct in her ass
Couldn’t she do a reality show where she let’s them video her butthole getting bleached? I’d watch.
i wanna put my pee pee in her butthole
She contracted coronavirus through the asshole! She sat and rolling on that sand. How long does it take to disclose an exam result??? We are already nervous and anxious