Check out Christina Aguilera’s nude (covered) photos by Miranda Penn Turin from her old photoshoot showing some singer’s skin and sexy butt in a thong.
Check out Christina Aguilera’s nude (covered) photos by Miranda Penn Turin from her old photoshoot showing some singer’s skin and sexy butt in a thong.
I preferred her fat
You’re in luck! She’s been fat 15 of the last 20 years.
You prefer men, faggot
Anything on her from the 21st century?
Oh, you don’t wanna see that!
She definitely won’t fit in that bottle anymore
She’s older than when she was younger.
I am so nostalgic for the times when I thought “Xtina” was a cheap disgusting whore. Little did I know of the Kartrashians, Hadids, Cyruses, Ratcowskis, Bella Thorns, and all those countless other abjectly repulsive, ugly, horrid, gutter-level famewhores of the internet age.
Xtina may very well be a whore…….but shes got unarguable talent…….unlike the rest of the MESSES you listed.
“Unarguable”? Dude, if your I.Q. gets to 75… SELL.
You mean they arent male? Faggot
Britney Spears > Christina Aguilera
Then … and now.
Without makeup, Britney looks like an adorable “girl next door” type.
Without makeup, Christina looks like a fucking cacodemon.
ZZZZ perfect addition for The Nappening.
She sings.
I’d still suck a fart out if her ass!