16 thoughts on “Chelsea Handler Sexy (2 Photos)

    1. Real SJ

      You right-wing MAGA faggots never tire of bashing, educated, thoughtful, insightful, critical thinkers. Perhaps turn off Faux news once in awhile and pick up a book. It’s a shame that a woman has thoughts but is actually bold enough to share them. Go back to your basements, cause women like this could give a fuck what you think. And they have more money than you’ll ever have, you Walmart shopping incels.

      Grab Em by the pussy T-Rump

      #Woke. #Libtard # Feminist

      1. Real Sj

        ^^^^ Please ban this T-Rump MAGA Incel who posts these ludicrous comments mocking my important social justice causes.
        This basement dwelling copycat can’t even get my intelligent politics correct, he just parrots the same shit every post.
        Yes, I’m woke, yes I’m a libtard, and yes I’m a committed male feminist incel simp virgin. I happily admit that, and hope in the future to find a strong woman to make me her wife.
        Megan Rapinoe is the perfect creation, she meant to miss that penalty because she refuses to help the racist and bigoted USA to ever win again at anything.
        Chelsea Handler is a stupid cunt, even a cumguzzling libtard like me can accept that.


        1. Real Sj


          Stupid incel, can’t even be creative. Every other beta word is about their stupid fascination of the Negroid Penis. Their only vocabulary is libtard and woke. How g’damn impressive. As their insurrectionists Proud Boy buddies get locked up, they are so sad. Where can I get a t-Rump flag??

          Fucking women hating, butt fucking right wing faggots.

          T-Rump for Drag Queen !!!

          1. Entitled Woke Libtard

            ^^^^ This girl knows what’s up! I salute her as a strong independent liberal woman. It’s unsurprising that the MAGA incels mock her and abuse her, they can’t handle such a powerful female, and certainly can’t argue intelligently.
            They just repeat their catchwords incessantly “woke, libtard, incel, faggots, basement, T-Rump, Proud Boy”. It’s comical that they think they sound edgy and tough, in truth they sound like what they are, virgin manbabies.
            But they are right about the power of the meaty black cock. Liberals have experienced it first hand, and it’s a beautiful thing. My ass was opened like a third eye, and I’ve never been the same since. You Right Wingers are missing out, and the girl above is speaking the truth about the joys of having a black cock in your mouth.
            Try it and see.

  1. Name

    Shocked she’s not laying on her back taking YET ANOTHER stranger’s dick in that bottomless pit she calls a pussy. WHORE!


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