26 thoughts on “Chelsea Handler Hot (4 Pics + GIF & Video)

  1. wawa

    Imagine being 50 and still acting like a 21 year old in public like this. Big yikes. Single, rode the cock carousel, childless and now that she’s way past the wall she has to whore it up so thirst men can remind her she’s still bangable. These chicks are so emotionally stunted.

      1. wawa

        Don’t compare me to shitter. If i were an admin we’d actually be seeing high quality posts. Not land whales, trannies and she apes.

        1. LOL

          And if you werent a pathetic incel, you’d leave your trailer and become a productive member of society, instead of the lifelong loser we all know you are.

        1. Spankmaster

          Actually, it’s mayonnaise and even McDonalds want the recipe for my secret sauce. Sadly, I can only be so generous…

  2. SuperHater

    Psh! Today’s lot is nothing to desire that’s for sure especially this mutt. I’d turn them paddles sideways and stick em straight up her candyass to which I’m sure they’d fit, burn them books and dance around em like a wild injun.

  3. See I'm a cool millennial.

    See I am a little pansy and I call everyone an” incel” that doesn’t think just like me and doesn’t think she is hot and says bad things about her. I have to protect her because she is a Liberal.


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