13 thoughts on “Charlize Theron Nude (6 Pics)

  1. JohnDoe

    Fuck you @hank you racist motherfucker I bet you jerk off to black porn @ night you racist son of a whore should burn in hell I bet your mom doesn’t even like you

    1. FatCock

      you say the some thing on every fucking post. Shut the fuck up, Jim Beam, you fucking half-wit retard. You sound like you’re 10 years old. Maybe you are?

  2. Real Sj

    Another woke libtard with a rainbow collection of kids she’s bought as adornments to her rich life, making her son into a tranny and to wear dresses from the age of 7.
    These tranny weirdos shouldn’t be allowed to care for children, especially ones they simply bought.

    1. Mick

      Here here real SJ. These hollywood types go to a poor country buy a few kids then fuck their heads up with weird shit. How many of these hollywood bought children get loving parents or a real life, none, they are the equivalent of a new gucci handbag to be shown off as they compare who has the most diverse child, all for the picture to express their woke identity it’s sick and disgusting

      1. Truth

        Mia Farrow is a perfect example of one of these deranged Hollywoke weirdos who bought a bunch of kids for her own ego and vanity.
        Didn’t work out too well for the poor kids, two committed suicide, one died of AIDS and at least two of the others have stopped all contact with loony Mia.

        1. Spankmaster

          Don’t forget that Woody Allen slept with at least one of them, also adding to how truly fucked up they became. Yeah, real good family life there..,


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