Photographer and model presented a new photo shoot by Vincent Amar (June 2018). Celine showed her beautiful naked body in the bedroom with turquoise walls.

Photographer and model presented a new photo shoot by Vincent Amar (June 2018). Celine showed her beautiful naked body in the bedroom with turquoise walls.
Nice tits and body.
Face like a donkey ??
donkey face & head size of a pumpkin
Some pubes are better than no pubes. I’m in love.
Someone going to feed her or what ??
Ugly tits, bony & old
like an old tire washed up on the lakeshore
and still much more attractive than you and a whole lot better person than you
– for which she was compensated with a gram of meth and a $20 Costco gift card.
Hello everyone. I am new user of this forum :). I am from Hungary and my language is poor :). Thanks
This isn’t really a forum. This is where sad, insignificant men come to insult women.
This is where mangina SJW snowflakes defend women who don’t know and don’t care they exist.
Welcome to the fold of extremely unrepentable misogynistic arseholes, Enriquefrera. Make sure your comments are equally ambiguous and vague; in fact, vague as all fucking hell. That way, anything you say can and will sound very important. And I like traffic lights…