Model Caylee Cowan displays nice cleavage posing in a glamour shoot by Michael J for British Thoughts magazine (2022).

Model Caylee Cowan displays nice cleavage posing in a glamour shoot by Michael J for British Thoughts magazine (2022).
Here’s my deal. My fetish is pissing off straight men. I spend at least half of my day on this site, leaving the same boring and unfunny comments over and over and over under about a dozen different stupid names. Naturally, I’m constantly trolled by breeders, but I just accuse every one of them of being an “admin”. It’s great because it means I don’t ever have to defend my behavior or contemplate the fact that I don’t belong here. Someday, I suppose, I’ll lose my virginity and realize that there’s more to life than being an annoying faggot. We’ll see.
^ Jerod, wow… get some therapy. It’s not that serious.
You’re trolled because it’s fun insulting such a pathetic excuse for a human being. Except you don’t understand your own fetish, which is that you are a sad, lonely narcissist who is desperate for attention, and this is your way of screaming out ‘look at me’. Someday you may realize that you need help. We’ll see.
The REAL James Is gonna lick your twat like Lily pad soda socks!
If straight men were still in charge of the entertainment industry,
‘butter-faces’ like this, would be waiting tables at greasy-truck stops.
Man, I remember when terms like this had actual meaning. Might as well just go ahead and call her fat too.
Beautiful armpits and breasts. Lovely lips.