Tanea Brooks Nude Photos & Videos

Tanea Brooks (Rebel) Nude & Sexy Leaked Fappening (45 Photos)

Here are the nude leaked Fappening and sexy photos of Tanea Brooks.  Tanea Brooks is an American manager in professional wrestling, female wrestler (TNA Rebel), professional model, dancer, and actress. Born: September 8, 1978.

Tanea Brooks was born and raised in Owasso, Oklahoma. Brooks became a cheerleader of the Dallas Cowboys at the age of 18 years, and she appeared on the cover of the calendar of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders swimsuit.

She is a long-time friend of Christy Hemme since they worked together at the old Hemme’s dance group “Purrfect Angelz.” Tanea eventually moved to Los Angeles to pursue her career in acting, modeling, and dancing. Brooks attended the Academy of makeup, Napoleon Perdis, where she became a cosmetologist. She had previously played for the Lingerie Football League.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rebeltanea

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Rebel (TNA) Leaked (3 Photos)

Here are The Fappening Leaked private photos of Rebel. Tanea Brooks aka Rebel is an American professional wrestling manager, professional wrestler, model, actress, and dancer.

Tanea Brooks is a 39-year-old wrestler known under the ring name of Rebel. Her career started at the age of 18 when she was stratified as a cheerleader. Then Tanea took up football and cosmetology, she also appeared in the music video of country singer Trace Adkins.

Despite the fact that Tanea began to engage in wrestling at the age of 34, Tanea Brooks achieved the greatest fame under the pseudonym Rebel participating in wrestling, where she worked with Total Nonstop Action Wrestling / Impact Wrestling. Her wrestler career is well known to all fans of the sports.

But not everybody knows what Tanea Brooks starred in an episode of Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan! Also, she had a recurring role on Full Throttle Saloon. At the age of 24 Tanea appeared in the short film “Sweet Friggin’ Daisies,” and at 26 in the “Lingerie Bowl,” and even after Tanea Brooks became a successful wrestler, she starred in a small role in the film “Garlic & Gunpowder.”

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rebeltanea

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