Fernanda Motta Nude Photos & Videos

Fernanda Motta Sexy (14 Photos)

Check out Fernanda Motta, born May 29, 1981, in Campos dos Goytacazes, Brazil. This Brazilian babe is a model, actress, and TV host who blew up on the international scene with her appearances in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue from 2004 to 2007.

Besides slaying the modeling game, she also hosted Brazil’s Next Top Model from 2007 to 2009, showing off her chops in the fashion world. With her killer looks and global vibe, Motta is still a big deal in the fashion and entertainment scene.

Instagram: https://instagram.com/fernandamottaoficial

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Bruna Marquezine, Izabel Goulart, Fernanda Motta See Through & Sexy (102 Photos)

Brazilian actress, Bruna Marquezine leaves nothing to the imagination in revealing top while enjoying Rio’s 2019 Carnival with two sexy models, Izabel Goulart and Fernanda Motta.

Bruna: https://twitter.com/brumarquezine
Izabel: https://www.instagram.com/izabelgoulart/
Fernanda: https://www.instagram.com/fernandamottaoficial/

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